Google Merchant Portal

About project: Admin portal for business owners that allows them to grow their retail business.

Role: Lead Product Designer

Dates: June 2021 - November 2021

Platform: Web

Responsibilities: The primary goal of this project was to improve the current experience for the merchan portal without introducing radical changes in design. Every design change was evaluated both from the perspective of potential value it brings to users as well as tecnical fesabililty (how easy/hard it is to introduce a change). I was working with the Google teams in Zurich to define the scope of changes and proposed ideas that later was introduced in a final design of this product.


  • Reviewing current design and learning about a technical stack of the product to be able to evaluate technical feasibility of changes;
  • Learning user feedback about the product and identifying areas of friction (where users face problems when using a product);
  • Creating mid-fidelity mocks to suggest changes;

Tools: Figma

Examples of work done by me:

Home screen of merchant portal

Home screen wireframe


Onboarding step-by-step

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